December 1, 2023 By Dr. Melinda Toomey, BAppSc (Optom), MOptom, GradCertOcTher, MBA, PhD Managing myopia is a multifaceted process that requires a...
May 15, 2023 By Jeff Anshel, OD, FAAO High glycemic load carbohydrate diets may alter the genetic influence of the growth of...
April 12, 2019 By Richard Edlow, OD Review of Optometric Business, December 2018 There is mounting evidence that the prevalence of myopia,...
Moving forward, ECPs must better understand the risk factors associated with myopia onset and progression.
If the trends continue, myopia could become the leading cause of blindness worldwide by 2050.
In just over a couple of decades, the need to address this epidemic has taken on an urgency.