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October 17, 2022
Vera’s mother has struggled with high myopia. With MiSight 1 day, Vera may never need to share that experience.
With the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Andrews, Dr. Katie Andrews, and the team at Optometric Associates, 11-year-old Vera has slowed the progression of her myopia with MiSight 1 day for myopia control.* Wearing the contact lenses daily for the past two and a half years, she has enjoyed good vision and has been living an active lifestyle without setbacks. Prior to MiSight, Vera’s prescription was changing every six months.
Vera’s mother, Stella, describes the contact lens experience as seamless. “It was very easy. I thought that it was going to be hard for her to learn how to use the contacts, but she did a great job, and she loves them.” Vera shares how easy they are to put in and take out. Additionally, she finds them to be very comfortable and unnoticeable.
Growing up, Stella suffered from severe myopia that led to nearsightedness throughout her adult life and cataract surgery at the age of 40. Seeing Vera’s vision declining, she worried that without a course of intervention, her daughter could face the same challenges down the road. It didn’t take long before Stella learned about MiSight and was convinced that they should try it. “I was certainly someone who was convinced very early on that this was something that I wanted to do.”
Stella shares that although MiSight is an expense, it was an easy choice as a long-term investment in her daughter’s health. Not only will Vera’s quality of life improve, but she may likely be mitigating expensive future eye care costs and surgeries. Preventing one diopter of myopia may lower the risk of myopic maculopathy by 40%, the risk of open-angle glaucoma by 20%, the risk of visual impairment by 20%, and save between 0.5 and 0.9 years of visual impairment.1
“I’m just a big believer that if we can correct something with science, then let’s do it. Let’s make her life better.”
“She’s able to be so much more active and so much more independent… She doesn’t even think about them. She goes about her day and she’s just happy,” adds Stella. Vera and Stella’s outstanding experience with MiSight points to the importance of educating parents and children about myopia management.
As you work to educate parents and children about myopia in your practice, stories like Stella and Vera’s can be valuable resources to share with them. Visit the MiSight Digital Ecosystem across YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and the MiSight website for more real-life myopia patient stories highlighting the importance of managing myopia early to benefit long-term eye health.
*U.S. Indications for use: MiSight 1 day (omafilcon A) soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses for daily wear are indicated for the correction of myopic ametropia and for slowing the progression of myopia in children with non-diseased eyes, who at the initiation of treatment are 8-12 years of age and have a refraction of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters (spherical equivalent) with ≤ 0.75 diopters of astigmatism. The lens is to be discarded after each removal.
1 Bullimore M. Myopia Control: Why each diopter matters. BCLA 2019 Poster.