October 11, 2023
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Johnson & Johnson Vision presented myopia research along with learning opportunities and support of Sight for Kids at the American Academy of Optometry annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Alex Nixon, OD, presented “Can we really distinguish ‘non-responders’ to myopia control interventions?” A sub-analysis of the Low-concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) study, a robustly designed, placebo-controlled trial with children aged 4 to 12 years, was conducted to calculate the efficacy for each intervention by subject age and overall myopia progression. The results showed that, within each intervention group, faster progressors achieved a similar absolute reduction in axial elongation and myopia progression as the slower progressors and that use of the terms “responders” and “non-responders” is inappropriate.
“We are driven by the opportunity that exists to make vision possible for patients at every stage of life,” said Lori Tierney, President of Americas, Johnson & Johnson Vision.‡ “At the American Academy of Optometry annual meeting we’re putting a spotlight on our industry-leading innovations that help pediatric and adult patients see better while also shining a spotlight on the importance of prioritizing diversity in the optometry community and enabling access to eye care for all.”
In celebration of World Sight Day on October 12th and the launch of the company’s new Vision Made Possible campaign, a donation will be made to Sight For Kids on behalf of attendees who visit the company’s booth, take a photo, and share it using #VisionMadePossible.
‡Lori Tierney is an employee of Johnson & Johnson Vision with oversight as President of Americas.