Latest Myopia News

ZEISS Launches Myopia Insights Hub

May 22, 2024

AALEN, Germany — ZEISS Vision Care has officially launched the Myopia Insights Hub, a website dedicated to informing eye care professionals about myopia.

The Myopia Insights Hub has different sections, starting with a Newsticker, an Articles & Insights section with in-depth information, and a Resources and Publications area, where all published scientific papers regarding myopia and refractive errors with ZEISS contributions are listed. The company plans to continue updating these areas with the latest news and articles as they become available.  

“ZEISS has been researching and offering solutions to manage myopia for more than 20 years. We continually share our knowledge with the community and our customers at events, congresses, etc. Now, with the Myopia Insights Hub, we offer an online platform  where we actively share our insights, making them available for everyone that is interested — anytime,  anywhere,” said Prof. Padmaja Sankaridurg, Head of Global Myopia Management at ZEISS.

“The underlying mechanisms of myopia are not yet fully understood, and as the prevalence is rising  globally, it is a topic of growing concern,” Prof. Sankaridurg continued. “We will update the hub regularly, publishing new information and articles to inform readers. The articles will not only focus on products or ZEISS solutions, but on specific aspects of  myopia in general.” 

The Myopia Insights Hub features articles about the fundamentals of myopia, including an overview of the global forecast on myopia, regional trends, and implications for the practice. An additional article about the consequences of myopia focuses on the many different facets of life impacted by myopia, such as health, economics, and education.

“When tackling myopia, education of all involved, i.e., parents, kids,  community, and the practitioners is the key,” Prof. Sankaridurg said. “With the launch of the Myopia Insights Hub, ZEISS Vision Care aims to support eye care professionals navigating myopia by offering a centralized source of reliable and up-to-date information.”


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