May 14, 2019
By Dwight Akerman, OD, MBA, FAAO
Chief Medical Editor, Review of Myopia Management
Congratulations to all the researchers and clinicians who collaborated to create the open access International Myopia Institute (IMI) Myopia White Papers. More than 85 global experts have contributed to eight reports covering all aspects of myopia. The IMI white papers have summarized evidence from hundreds of reports and peer-reviewed studies to provide eye care professionals, researchers, industry, and policy-makers with the most up-to-date guidance on myopia. The IMI papers are available in a special edition of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science and links to all the papers can be found in the Resources & Multimedia section of Review of Myopia Management.
Just as the TFOS DEWS and DEWS II reports have greatly enhanced the understanding and treatment of dry eye, the IMI White Papers will undoubtedly motivate eye care professionals around the world to address the myopia pandemic with evidence-based treatment strategies pro-actively. Thank you to all the International Myopia Institute members and sponsors who helped make the International Myopia Institute White Papers a reality.
The editorial theme of the May edition of RMM asks, “When to Initiate Myopia Management Intervention and When to Stop?” Dr. Daniel Tilia from the Brien Holden Vision Institute writes about that issue in his article, in which he describes published evidence about the timing of myopia management and some factors in making a progressive myopia treatment plan. Dr. Kevin Chan from Treehouse Eyes writes about tailoring myopia management intervention to fit the circumstances of the patient, such as former emmetropes with adult-onset myopia. And Dr. Gary Gerber, founder of Treehouse Eyes, shares his insight on how to handle this question from parents of newly diagnosed myopic children: “Why haven’t I heard about myopia management before?”
Working together, we can reverse the alarming increase in the prevalence of myopia and high myopia. As always, I welcome your suggestions and comments.
Best professional regards,
Dwight H. Akerman, OD, MBA, FAAO
Chief Medical Editor
Dwight H. Akerman, OD, MBA, FAAO, is chief medical editor of Review of Myopia Management.