May 20, 2021
ST. LOUIS — Earlier this week, BHVI announced that May 24-28 will be Myopia Awareness Week: a week-long effort to raise awareness about the ongoing myopia epidemic with discounted rates on educational resources.
Now, both the Global Myopia Awareness Coalition and the World Council of Optometry shared that they are supporting BHVI’s initiatives for Myopia Awareness Week. The organizations will work alongside BHVI to educate ECPs and parents about myopia management treatments and lifestyle factors that impact myopia progression.
“We are calling on eye care professionals to take action!” said GMAC Board of Directors Chair, Dr. Juan Carlos Aragón. “We encourage ECPs to learn about the most up-to-date management methods and communicate these methods to colleagues, other healthcare professionals, myopic children and their parents, and the wider consumer community.”
“Myopia is arguably the most widespread epidemic faced by the global optometry community and we must increase our efforts to combat this public health issue,” said WCO President, Paul Folkesson.