May 3, 2022
SYDNEY, Australia — BHVI’s Myopia Awareness Week 2022 is set for May 23-28. The global event was re-launched in 2021 with the goal of bringing attention to the growing epidemic of myopia in children across the world.
A range of educational resources for practitioners, parents, and advocates of myopia awareness will be provided by BHVI, with a focus on “Make Your Eye Moves” — a driver to engage in activities that promote eye health and reduce the risk of myopia. Along with content for social media, globally recognized individuals from the eye care field will be providing their tips and recommendations for parents and children on “Eye Moves” that help reduce the risk of onset or progression of this debilitating ocular disorder.
“The eye health of our young matters more than ever before. COVID-19 has significantly raised the stakes and increased the burden of myopia. But there is hope, with much happening in research, product development, and professional education to meet the myopia challenge. We must engage from the front lines — through eye care practitioners — to ensure they are able to educate their communities about myopia and manage and protect our children’s futures,” said Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg, Head of Myopia Program, BHVI. “We are delighted to continue to lead the way forward in myopia awareness and research at BHVI, and we are thrilled at the continued support we receive from the profession and industry during Myopia Awareness Week — it is truly a global collective trying to move the needle on myopia management.”
Review of Myopia Management partnered with Independent Strong during Myopia Awareness Week to share the Top 10 Tips for Myopia Management.
#MyopiaAwarenessWeek #MAW2022